Add KH Carer

The HYDROS control is fully compatible with the KH Carer by Kamoer. In fact, unlike other controllers in the market, the HYDROS Control will pull KH Carer (KHC) readings directly from the cloud instead of connecting via a clunky and antiquated pH port.  

Here is what you’ll need to get started:

  • A Running KHC machine fully connected to the cloud
  • Kamoer KHC API key. You can find it in the KamoerRemote app under KH Carer > Settings > Share with third parties. 

Step 1: Create KHC Input

  • From the STATUS screen on the app, tap on the three horizontal dots to the right of the INPUT label and select “Add New Input.”
  • Tap on the + symbol in the bottom-right corner
  • Type the name of the input. We recommend you use “Alkalinity” and tap on “Create.”
  • Under TYPE, select “KH Carer Test.”

Step 2: Configure your Alkalinity Input

  • Secret Key: Paste the entire API key from your KamoerRemote app.
  • Test: Select the test input you wish to pull from the Kamoer cloud.  
    TIP: You can only select one test at a time. To select multiple tests, you must create multiple KH Carer Test inputs.
  • Safe Range: This option allows you to set the lowest and highest points of a safe range. If the reading falls outside the range, HYDROS will notify you if you have enabled the notifications below.
  • Graph Value Limits: It allows you to set the maximum and minimum values displayed under the Graphs view.
  • Stale Sample Notification: The Control can notify you if the last reading is too old. If the HYDROS has not received a new reading within the time selected, it will notify you if you have enabled the notifications below.
    TIP: We recommend you set this to 1.5 times your KHC testing frequency. i.e., If your KHC tests every 4 hours, we recommend you set this value to 06:00:00
  • Notification Level: This option allows you to tell HYDROS when to send a notification. You will receive notifications when
    • Alkalinity is below Safe Range Low
    • Alkalinity is above Safe Rage High
    • The Stale Sample Time limit has been exceeded
  • Is Invisible: If you choose to hide the input from the status screen, it will only become visible on pages that have “Show Invisible” selected.

Step 4: Upload the Changes

After configuring the input, tap on the yellow bar at the bottom to upload your changes to the cloud and each HYDROS device.

Rename Input & Change Icon

  • From the STATUS screen, tap on the Input you wish to modify.
  • On the popup, tap on the “Gear” icon on the bottom right.
  • From the Input setup page, tap on the “Pencil” icon on the top left.
  • Type in the new name you wish
  • If you wish to change the default icon, please tap on “Change Icon.”