- HYDROS - https://www.coralvuehydros.com -

Update WiFi Credentials

If you change your WiFi SSID or password, you need to update the HYDROS devices with your new credentials. Here is how to do this:

Upgraded WiFi Router

If you updated your WiFi router, the EASIEST thing to do is to set your new router’s credentials to be precisely the same as the old router. If you do that, ALL WiFi devices (not only HYDROS) will immediately connect to the new router as if nothing had changed. The “secret” is ensuring the SSID and password are the same!

If you cannot change the router credentials, proceed to Step 1 below.

Step 1: Turn OFF WiFi Devices Alarms

If you have WiFi strips, set their notification level to “None.” It will prevent your HYDROS devices from beeping and sending you emails or push notifications while moving things around.  

Please follow the WiFi Strips [1] and WiFi Feeders [2] instructions to turn off notifications.

Step 2: Update WiFi Credentials on HYDROS Controllers

Now, you must go through each of your HYDROS Controllers and WaveEngines and update the WiFi credentials. This process ONLY updates your WiFi credentials. It WILL NOT overwrite your configuration.

Step 3: Replace/Relink WiFi Strips

You CAN relink a WiFi strip by “replacing” it with itself. It will push the WiFi credentials from your HYDROS Control to your WiFi strips.

  1. From the STATUS screen, tap on the tile/name of the WiFi strip you wish to replace
  2. Tap on the “Replace” button
  3. Unplug the WiFi strip from power and hit “Continue” on the app
  4. Connect the WiFi strip to power and hit “Continue” on the app
  5. Press and hold the power button on the WiFi strip until the button starts blinking blue/red, then hit “Continue.”
    WARNING: The power button on the WiFi strip must be blinking fast (more than a blink per second.)  If the power button starts to flash slowly (less than a blink per second) or blinks solid blue, press and hold the power button again until the button begins to blink fast (more than a blink per second) and the color is BOTH blue and red.
    The Control will scan your surrounding areas to find the power strip, which can take up to 1 minute. When complete, the power strip power button stops blinking and turns solid RED.
  6. Hit “Continue” and then upload your changes.

Step 4: Restore Notification Preferences

Once completed, you can return to your WiFi Strip or WiFi Feeder notification preferences and return them to their previous state.