- HYDROS - https://www.coralvuehydros.com -

Removing a Collective Device

HYDROS makes it simple to remove a collective device.

WARNING: HYDROS will allow you to delete/remove a collective device only if there are no inputs or outputs tied to the device. If you have inputs or outputs running on the device, you must remove them before removing the HYDROS device.

Step 1: Delete the Device Using the App

  1. Connect to your HYDROS Collective
  2. From the left menu, select “Devices.”
  3. Tap on the delete icon to the right of the device name.
  4. Upload your changes

Step 2: Remove the OLD Device

Now you can disconnect the old device from your collective. We also recommend resetting the device to ensure a clean removal as an added step. Follow these instructions [1] to reset your HYDROS device.  

Step 3: Unregister the OLD Device (Optional)

If you want to transfer the new device to a different email address or a new owner, you must unregister the device and remove it from your account first. Failure to do so will prevent the new owner from registering the device successfully.  

Follow these instructions [2] to remove and unregister the device.