- HYDROS - https://www.coralvuehydros.com -

Rename a Device

If you wish to rename your HYDROS device, here is how to do it:

TIP: This process will not erase your configuration.  It will only change the name or WiFi credentials if you decide to input new ones.
  1. Make sure your phone is connected to your home WiFi and open the HYDROS app.
  2. Tap on the three horizontal bars in the upper left-hand corner to enter the main menu.
  3. To the right of the top icons, tap on the “Plus” symbol.
  4. In the “Configure HYDROS Device” page, tap on the “Refresh” button a couple of times, and select your HYDROS Device.
  5. Reselect your WiFi name.
  6. On the WiFi configurations, type in your WiFi password
  7. On the last field of the form, type the new name of your device
  8. Tap on Continue on the next page, and the HYDROS Device should start to register on the cloud and change the name

The device will restart with the new name.  That is it!