- HYDROS - https://www.coralvuehydros.com -

Real Time Notifications

The Control can send you notifications in the event something goes wrong. For example, if, for some reason, the Control becomes disconnected from the cloud, it will notify you automatically.

The HYDROS Control has three levels of notifications:

Based on the notification level you set on the specific INPUT or OUTPUT, you will get the type of Notification as specified above. For example, placing your Leak Detector INPUT to RED notification level will get an email, Push Notification, and alarm anytime it is triggered. On the other hand, you will only get an email if you set the notification level to YELLOW.

TIP: Notification preferences are unique to each device/collective. You can set different notification levels for each HYDROS device and Collectives.

What you need to get started

Enable Notifications

WARNING: These settings only apply to the device/collective Owner. They do not apply to Shared Guests. To modify Guest Notification Preferences, please follow this link [1].