- HYDROS - https://www.coralvuehydros.com -

Add a Sicce® Pump

The HYDROS Control can seamlessly integrate with Sicce® pumps.

WARNING: It is essential to remember that integrating HYDROS with Sicce flow pumps has certain limitations. Sicce allows only a limited number of commands per hour to be sent to its cloud service. HYDROS only permits a maximum of six commands every five minutes to avoid exceeding the maximum command count within a short period. Therefore, this integration is suitable for flow pumps with less frequent speed changes in their schedule. It works well for return, skimmer, and constant-running pumps. However, it is not recommended for “Wave” pumps with motors that change speeds rapidly and frequently within an hour interval.

Here is what you’ll need to get started:

Step 1: Generate Sicce Key from the ContrAll App

  1. Open the Sicce ContrAll app and tap the pump you wish to connect to the HYDROS. 
  2. IMPORTANT: Ensure the pump is turned ON. If the pump is OFF, tap the center button to toggle the pump ON. 
  3. Tap on the settings icon in the upper right-hand corner.
  4. Generate and copy the “Sicce Key.”

Step 2: Create 3rd-Party Device

On the HYDROS app…

Step 3: Configure the Sicce® Interface

Step 4: Upload the Changes

After configuring the input, tap the yellow bar at the bottom to upload your changes to the cloud and each HYDROS device.

Step 5: Create a Pump Output

Step 6: Configure the Pump Output

Step 7: Upload the Changes

Step 8: Create a Flow Schedule

After defining the pump, you can instruct the controller on its operation. Please refer to the “Add Flow Pump Schedule” option on the left menu for instructions.

Rename Output & Change Icon

  • From the STATUS screen, tap on the Output you wish to modify.
  • On the popup, tap on the “Gear” icon on the bottom right.
  • From the Output setup page, tap on the “Pencil” icon on the top left.
  • Type in the new name you wish
  • If you wish to change the default icon, tap “Change Icon.”