- HYDROS - https://www.coralvuehydros.com -

Add pH Probe

Adding a pH Probe Input is very simple.  


When using pH probes, it’s important to note that they require a break-in period of approximately one week. This period allows the probe to adapt to its surroundings and removes residual oils from manufacturing. To help with this break-in period, you can try the following:

  • Soak the new probe in rubbing alcohol for 30 minutes, ensuring the tip is fully submerged.
  • Recalibrate the probe at least once a week for the first three weeks.

Once the break-in period is complete, the readings should become stable.

Step 1: Physically Connect the pH Probe

  1. Connect the pH Probe BNC connector to one of the Probe Ports (Light Blue) on your Control unit.
  2. At this time, please do NOT remove the probe from the small storage container it came with.

Step 2: Create the pH Probe Input

  1. From the STATUS screen, tap the three horizontal dots to the right of the INPUTS label.
  2. Select “Add New Input”
  3. Tap on the + symbol in the bottom-right corner
  4. Enter the name you wish to assign to your input and tap “Create.”

Step 3: Configure the pH Probe Input

Step 4: Upload the Changes

After configuring the pH probe, tap on the yellow bar at the bottom to upload your changes to the cloud and each HYDROS device.

Calibrating a pH Probe

TIP: Q: Should I always calibrate new probes?

A: No! The HYDROS uses state-of-the-art pH hardware that is fully isolated from interference. This means it is isolated from external interference and interference from other chips and components on the HYDROS PC board. For this reason, most probes will give you highly accurate readings WITHOUT needing calibration. You ONLY need to calibrate the probe if the original non-calibrated readings are inaccurate.

Sometimes, based on the quality and age of the pH probe, the HYDROS Controller might need to be calibrated to the probe’s skewed voltage reading.   To calibrate, you will need the following:

WARNING: ALWAYS calibrate 7.01 first.

Step 1: Calibrate 7.01

Step 2: Calibrate 4.01 and 10.01

TIP: You only need to calibrate 7.01 and 10.01 for standard Marine Aquarium pH readings. If you use the pH in a Calcium Reactor setting, you only need to calibrate 7.01 and 4.01.

Rename Input & Change Icon

  • From the STATUS screen, tap on the Input you wish to modify.
  • On the popup, tap on the “Gear” icon on the bottom right.
  • From the Input setup page, tap on the “Pencil” icon on the top left.
  • Type in the new name you wish
  • If you wish to change the default icon, please tap on “Change Icon.”