- HYDROS - https://www.coralvuehydros.com -

Add/Configure a Page

HYDROS users now have the option to use Pages to keep their things organized easily. Pages allow users to customize multiple STATUS screens, allowing them to hide or show different inputs, outputs, and WiFi devices. With Pages, you can create a personalized STATUS page that only displays what’s essential to you and hides everything else.

Step 1: Create a Page

Step 2: Configure the Page

Configuring the Section

To hide a section (i.e., Modes, Inputs, Outputs, WiFi Devices), you need to tap the arrow to the LEFT of the section title.  

Hiding Modes/Inputs/Outputs/WiFi Devices

Different sections on Pages can be treated in diverse ways. For instance, you could use the “Tile” view for your INPUTS and the “Text” view for your OUTPUTS. This customization option enables you to tailor your experience to fit the needs of the most exigent aquarist.

TIP: Different sections on Pages will have varying views. For instance, you can choose to hide an input as a tile while still displaying it as a graph. A good example of this is the Leak Detector. You may prefer to show it as text or a tile instead of a graph. Pages enable you to keep each view distinct from the other.

To hide the tiles or text within each section:

If you want to move and change the tiles/text/graphs, press and hold the item you wish to move and drag it to the desired location.  Release when done.

Step 3: Define the Startup Page

Pages also allow you to specify which Page you want to show when the app starts.  

Want to Rearrange the Page Order?

Pages allow you to change the name of the Page quickly.  

Pages also allow you to change the order in which the pages are displayed readily.

To delete a Page, tap on the trash can to the right of the page name. However, deleting the Page WILL NOT delete the sections or the INPUTS/OUTPUTS/WiFi Devices.